Archive for the ‘How to’ Category

Penguins Arena: Sedna’s World 100%’ed

Posted on September 12th, 2012 in 100%'ed, How to | No Comments »

I saw  Penguins Arena for 99 cents at the newly open Gala Store. Considering it’s one of the first Steam games with achievements, it was a no-brainer for me. 6 hours later, I had all of the achievements, some of which I’ll describe here.

Duel Master

Win 50 duels

This achievements is a bit weird. According to 100% Achievements Group forums, it won’t trigger in… well… duel mode. You have to start classic multiplayer (yes, even bot fights are called multiplayer here, no one else plays the game today anyway) and be the only one penguin of your team alive. When playing with bots, after you die you take control of a bot controlled penguin, so the best way to get it is to kill yourself a few times, so that you’ll be the only one. This is the most annoying and time-taking achievement here. Penguins Arena gets boring fast.

Tribe’s berserker

Win 100 fights

Tribe’s grunt

Take part in 150 fights

These two are actually very, very easy. Just start the game, turn off your screen (to save some energy, be ecologic), take your girlfriend to the movies, get some dinner afterwards and when you come back, you’ll see that you’ve earned not only these two, but also 80% of the other achivements as well. Simple.

New Killing Floor summer achievements

Posted on July 8th, 2012 in How to | No Comments »

Looks like the Steam Summer Sale is almost ready to start. No matter whether you are from Team July 9th or Team July 12th, you can now spend some time getting Killing Floor summer achievements you may have missed last summer and also getting the new ones. All of the new ones can be achieved easily in solo mode.

Those are: 

Brittish Superiority

Kill a zed each with both the Bullpup and FN-Fal

Easy peasy. Buy both of these weapons and kill two zeds, one with the Bullpup, one with FN-Fal.

 Combat Medic

 Kill a zed that has injured a player (M7A3 rifle)

Notice the description says “a player,” meaning it can be you. ;-) Buy M7A3, let a zed attack you, then send a few bullets straight through its head. Achievement unlocked!

 Spec Ops

 Kill 12 clots with one magazine without reloading (MK23)

This one is a little bit harder, but nothing unachievable. MK23 has exactly 12 bullets in a magazine, so make every one count. Just run around like no tomorrow, kill zeds with a different weapon and when you see a Clot, switch to MK23 and shoot its head off. Repeat 11 times.

 The Big One

 Kill 2 scrakes with one shot (M99)

Just line two of these hell messengers up and then *bang*!


Kill one of each type of zed in one round (HSG Shotgun)

This one seems a little bit bugged as it should read “Kill one of each type of zed in a round and the Patriarch in the final wave.” I don’t think the Patriarch counts as a zed, so let’s consider it partly broken now. It is, however, obtainable, for the Patriarch takes about 3 or 4 shots from HSG on Beginner difficulty.

Apart from these five, a new map has been added, so there is a new “Beat the new map on XYZ difficulty” quadruple. It’s good to see a great game like Killing Floor not being Left 4 Dead by its developers yet. The summer event ends on July 23rd, so hurry up!

How to… Startup achievements

Posted on April 11th, 2012 in How to | No Comments »

Today I’d like to talk about startup achievements. These mean that you have to start the game up x times. I’ll talk specifically about Garry’s Mod and Universe Sandbox and exactly how to earn these achievements.

Startup Millenium:

Start Garry’s Mod 1000 times.


Startup Too Many:

Start Universe Sandbox 10^4 = 10000 times


You don’t have to actually sit down for 10 hours and repeatedly start the game up and exit it. For the Garry’s Mod Achievement: Create a file called gmod.bat on your desktop. Then create a shortcut leading to your Steam.exe (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe) with parameter -applaunch 4000 ad call it GMOD. So it will look like this: “Target: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe -applauch 4000”

Now edit the bat file and copy the following into it:

ECHO “GMod laucher by @B0FH”


ping -n 30 > NUL 2>&1

TASKKILL /f /im “hl2.exe”

CALL gmod.bat

Let’s go over what it actually does. The first line is just a credit to @B0FH, who came with this great little script. The second line executes the shortcut, so it runs GMod. The third line pings your PC for 30 seconds (you can edit this number according to your PC’s performance – if you can run it faster, decrease the number, if you can’t run it in 30 secods, increase it) and forwards the output of the command to NUL, so it doesn’t spam your screen. Then the fourth line force kills Garry’s Mod and at the fifth line it goes back to the first line (calls itself).

The modification for Universe Sandbox is simple. Create another shortcut, this time with the parameter -applaunch 72200 and call it US. Then create a bat file again and call it us.bat. Edit it and put the following into it:

ECHO “Universe Sandbox laucher by @B0FH”


ping -n 10 > NUL 2>&1

TASKKILL /f /im “Universe Sandbox.exe”

CALL us.bat

And just leave it running overnight (in case of GMod) or for a longer time (in case of Universe Sandbox ;-)).