Zombie Bowl-o-Rama logo

At last! After numerous tries, I have finally managed to get the last three achievements I was missing. Namely Fair Play (Won a game without using any tricks or treat), 300 Club (A perfect 300, 12 strikes in one game) and Freedom Fighter (Free Play Mode was completed). Fair Play was fairly easy, as it was sufficient to create a game against a living enemy (as two player mode is called in this game). The other two were pain in the arse. The last Free Play Mode level has the objective of getting 300 points in a game (which is generally the max score you can get in bowling), so it comes with 300 Club, but man was it hard! The hardest part was getting a strike in the first round where you have no tricks at your disposal. Then it was more about luck, I even got to a situation where I had 11 strikes and failed the 12th one, which, as you probably can imagine, sort of pissed me off.

However, it was more than worth the little popup in the lower right corner of the screen. ;-) I really enjoyed playing this little gem, but I don’t think 10€ is an appropriate amount of money to pay. Anyway, good night now!